Begin Your New CareerAccelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Cohort of ABSN students pose with Dunk'n the Dolphin on the steps of the Keigwin School of Nursing staircase.

Are You Ready For Your Career Change?

Have you already earned a bachelor’s degree and now want to begin a career in nursing? Jacksonville University (JU) offers three unique Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) programs that will prepare you to make a career change as quickly and efficiently as possible.

*Our 16-month ABSN program accepts applications with associate's degrees as well as bachelor's.


Virtual information session

Attendees will have the opportunity to meet the program director and advisor to ask questions about our curriculum and admissions process.


Which track is right for me?


  • Structure: Four 8-week terms, plus one 16-week semester
  • Pace: Your ability to work may be limited by the pace of this program.
  • Locations: Arlington, Mayo Clinic
  • Eligibility: Bachelor's degree required
Arlington 12-Month Mayo 12-Month 


  • Structure: Four 16-week semesters
  • Pace: Part-time or PRN work may be possible.
  • Locations: Arlington
  • Eligibility: Associate or bachelor's degree required

Arlington 16-MONTH

Which track is right for me?

Accelerated BSN program comparison
Program Factor 12-Month Program 16-Month Program
Pace Your ability to work may be limited by the pace of this program. Part-time or PRN work may be possible.
Locations Main Campus, Mayo Clinic Main Campus
Eligibility Bachelor's degree required Associate or bachelor's degree required
Program Start
  • 12-month cohort begins in August
  • Mayo Clinic cohort begins in late April/ early May
  • 16-month cohort begins in January
Learn More 12-MONTH ABSN Mayo 12-Month


Nursing students perform CPR to a medical maniken

Scholarship Opportunities

At Jacksonville University, we believe in making high-quality education affordable. The following scholarships are being offered to ABSN students:

  • JU & Brooks Rehabilitation Nursing Excellence Scholarship - when awarded, each accepted student will receive $10,000 in exchange for an 18-month work commitment at the current market rate with Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital or Halifax CIR. In order to apply for this scholarship, you must be an accepted student who has deposited for the upcoming year. 
  • JU Jacksonville ABSN Merit Scholarship - each student accepted to the Jacksonville ABSN program will be considered to receive a scholarship.

The College Tour x JUImmersive Learning

Kathryn came to Jacksonville University as an undergraduate student, where she pursued a degree in exercise science and played volleyball. After 6 years in the medical field, Kathryn returned for her nursing degree, the 12-Month Accelerated Bachelor of Nursing program. This degree prepares its students through immersive learning programming, and familiarizes them with the field through virtual reality labs, telepresence robots, simulation scenarios, research, and more! Learn more about Kathryn’s story.

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Eligibility & Requirements

Minimum Qualifications

In order to be considered for one of our Accelerated BSN programs you must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Bachelor's or associate's degree from a regionally accredited institution* (please see specific ABSN program pages for degree requirements)
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 on a 4.00 scale
  • Prerequisite courses completed with a 'C' higher from a regionally accredited institution* 
    • Human Anatomy & Physiology I with lab taken within the last 10 years (4 credits)
    • Human Anatomy & Physiology II with lab taken within the last 10 years (4 credits)
    • General Chemistry with lab (4 credits)
    • Microbiology with lab (4 credits)
    • Nutrition (3 credits)
    • Human Growth & Development (3 credits)
    • Statistics (3 credits)

These are our minimum qualifications. Meeting these requirements does not guarantee acceptance a program.

*You may apply with a degree in progress and/or outstanding pre-requisites. However, they must be completed by the program start date.



Your application must include the following components in order to be considered:

  • Submit an online graduate application. Start an application.
  • Unofficial transcripts from all previously attended institutions. A separate transcript is required for each institution. Unofficial transcripts can be uploaded within you application or after it is submitted.
  • Proof of current or future enrollment in any outstanding pre-requisites. They must be taken at a
    regionally accredited institution and scheduled to finish before the program starts.
  • Short-answer writing sample. You must answer three prompts. There is a 200-word limit for each prompt. This component is found within the online application; you will not receive a separate link.
  • One-way recorded virtual interview. This can be done from anywhere! The questions will be presented to you at the time of recording. You will have 10 minutes to respond to five questions. This component is found within the online application; you will not receive a separate link.


Applications are evaluated on the following four components:

  1. Cumulative GPA
  2. Prerequisite GPA
  3. Writing sample
  4. Virtual interview

Request Information


Contact Information Keigwin School of Nursing

Phone: (904) 256-7000

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