
Training for Investigators

The use of animals in research, testing and education is subject to a multitude of laws, policies, regulations and standards. Two such laws/policies include the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) and the Public Health Service (PHS) policy, which require documentation that personnel are appropriately trained in animal care and use. All personnel conducting research with vertebrate animals must be appropriately qualified and trained before working with animals.

The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for providing documentation that all personnel listed in a protocol have completed the required animal care and use training, and that the certificates of completion are included with the protocol when submitted for initial review.

  1. Animal Care and Use Trainings via CITI

A guide for registering for the CITI training program can be found here.

Supplemental Training

Training for IACUC Members

Prior to performing IACUC duties or voting on proposals submitted to the IACUC, members must complete training. A general introductory/training meeting with the IACUC Chair is also required prior to performing IACUC duties. Once IACUC members have completed the mandatory training, they may be paired with experienced IACUC members who will serve as their mentor.